Buy Navara Rice | Njavara Rice | Shashtika Rice | Authentic Kerala Navara | Navara Red Rice | Medicinal Rice online from mykeralashop.com
Organic Njavara Rice is hand picked from the organic farmers of Wayanad, Kerala. It is an unpolished, medicinal rice and is believed to be loaded with health benefits and has an important place in Ayurveda. Navara is a Sastika rice /Shashti Sali (Sastika means the paddy which matures in 60 days) variety of Kerala.
Navara rice in Ayurveda:
Navarakizhi and Navaratheppu are two major treatments in Ayurveda for conditions such as arthritis, paralysis, neurological disorders with Navara rice.
Navarakizhi :- In Navarakizhi (“Pindasweda”) Navara rice is boiled in kurunthotti kashayam (a decoction of sida root and milk). It is then wrapped in cloth pouches (kizhis) and is used for massaging.
Navaratheppu :- A paste of boiled Navara rice of light warmth is applied on the body. Here again the rice is boiled in kurunthotti kashayam.
Other Medicinal and Therapeutic uses of Navara:
Navara rice – Used as food (in the form of gruel) in the treatment for psoriasis, diabetes, osteoporosis, cirrhosis of liver and piles. When cooked with milk it has its antiseptic properties and helps in healing internal wounds. You can also boil it in water and consume it as regular rice but ensure it gets fully cooked in the water and don’t throw away the water, so that you will get all its natural goodness.
Karkkidakakanji / Marunnukanji (Navara gruel): During the period of July 15 – Aug 15 (or Karkidakam, as it is known in the Kerala calendar), Kerala receives the maximum amount of the south-west monsoon rains and body defenses are perceived to be at its lowest. In this month, Navara is included in the diet to help develop immunity and is effective in curing fatigue.
Organic Navara Rice is considered a safe food for diabetes patients.
Good for health conscious people / for weight management by replacing white rice with Navara Red Rice.
Health food for babies: Navara rice powder cooked with brown sugar or jaggery and milk is found to be a nourishing food for babies and a great natural substitute for the baby food available in supermarkets.
Navara palkanji/ Navara Milk Porridge : Boiled milk mixed with cooked Navara rice is easily digestible and used as a health food for older people. Navara rice can be powdered and then mixed with milk and can be taken in the form of a cereal. Paalkanji is also fed to children. Navara rice has high levels of fiber and thus it helps in treating bloating and constipation.
Organic Navara Rice is rich in antioxidants and has two or three times as much zinc and iron than white rice. Polished rice does not have many nutritional benefits. You can reduce the carbohydrates in your diet by replacing white rice (carb rich) with Navara rice which is protein rich.